Sunday, January 4, 2009


Hey there, at this point I've spoken to some folks about these essays, and it seems like the biggest complaint is the lack of chronology. Each one is dated in the title, and I chose to write them out of order so that I could grab more breadth instead of writing about Ecuador for 3 months before moving on to a different environment. Also, it's more fun that way, so suck it up.

Additionally--thank you for reading! Now please tell me that you're reading, and comment at the site with your thoughts and post the links if you care to, as I am but a introverted shy writer sitting at home wondering if I am screaming into the void and there is nothing introverted shy writers like better than knowing that people are reading their work. I tried to set up a site meter but I am internet retarded and all I get is a weekly email saying NOBODY LOOKS AT THIS EVER EVER EVER.


Anonymous said...

I got it!!! OK, this I can do. Did you have something on LiveJournal that I saw at one point?

World Stumbler said...

Victory! Yes, I have an LJ account which while not Sooper Sekrit is still somewhat seekrit, so I'll message you about it. I don't use it as much as I used to.